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Trying to encourage, cajole, and eventually threaten your child into doing their homework can be a trying experience. It can be frustrating that something that seems as basic as homework has to be contested night after night. However, there are some practices you can put in place in your house that will help finally obtain a peace treaty with the beleaguered other party- your child.

There is a psychology behind designing something to sell. Think about the packaging that your favorite morning cereal comes in, or how your favorite department store is laid out. It has to do with designing things in a way that make them attractive to buyers. The buyer might not even realize why something is attractive. He may just have a positive reaction to how it looks and want to be a part of it.

Flash continues to be dominant on the web, and with a new version always ready in the wings you’ll need to get up to speed with any new features quickly. Don’t forget you’re in competition with every other designer in the industry. Learn how to use the new tools, but use them creatively. Ask yourself how you can catch the eye of prospective employers. Corporate clients will also want to see that you can produce work that considers the accessibility laws they have to abide by. You may be able to produce some great web design work, but this must always be within the context of regulations that your client is all too aware of. In the commercial world that will pay your mortgage, there is little room for design for design’s sake! Save this for your personal web projects.

We now understand that the negative behaviors surrounding homework may be due to difficulties in transitioning from one activity to another. Viewed in this way, we can think about teaching kids how to best transition to essay help. It might be that they need to whine or jump around to let off steam. Perhaps they need a way to expend their energy in a healthy way, by playing on a jungle gym or a trampoline. They might also need some down time. Maybe a video or playing a board game can help.

As adults, we are the sole authors of our own life stories. Every day begins a fresh page. The dramas of everyday life do not simply affect us, they are created by us. Yet so often the story closest to us, our own, is the most difficult to read How can we tell our life stories to ourselves in order to know which aspects of the narrative work and which need to change? How can we identify what is missing, change an attitude, or generate happiness? How can we shift our understanding to see life not as a multiple-choice test with certain predetermined answers, but as an open-ended essay question?

If you’re helping your child, be aware of their best way of learning. Is he an auditory, visual, kinaesthetic (likes learning by touching, doing, experiencing) or a child who learns through reading and writing? When you’ve found out (I have some questions which help explore people’s preferred styles), then as a parent, see how the homework has been presented and try to suggest other ways of learning the same information. This takes time as a parent but may be worth it.

The difference between professional and amateur Design is enormous and the results are also telling. Turnover growth is more likely for businesses that increase their investment in design (Courtesy of The Design Council, UK) and a DIY jobby doesn’t necessarily cut the mustard.

Center the Design, Not the Text – You want your site to be in the center of the browser window, even if the browser changes size. This makes your site more pleasant to read. But be sure that your main text is left aligned. Unless you are writing a Philology poem don’t center your text. Centered text came from a time when the design itself couldn’t easily be centered, so people would center the text to make up for it. But today, the whole site can be centered, so there is no more need for that harder to read centered text.

Be available for questions: Nothing is more frustrating to a child than having homework they don’t understand. If you are not available for them, they will put it away and never finish it.

Music: Most people think they like to have music running in the background, but it’s actually a distraction. Silence is best and will not cause your mind to wander. In silence, you have a chance to let your mind work its magic and be inspired to do its best work.

A career in web design can be extremely rewarding. Whether you take the path of employee or start your own agency, the same principles apply; you are in a competitive industry with other agencies or designers chasing a finite amount of work. In an industry that has become very crowded of late, employers and clients with money to spend are looking for the diamonds in the rough. Work at your portfolio. Enter all the competitions you can. Look for innovative ways of getting your work seen. Eventually you’ll get your break and your career will be up and running.

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